Saturday, June 5, 2010

Welcome to Summer Reading!

For those of you interested in some good old summer reading this is the blog for you! Now I know this sounds like Grade School, but I assure you it is not. This is about reading for pleasure and just the slightest bit of masochism. Having just graduated from a private prestigious undergraduate institution I was under the impression that I know everything. Basically, that is not true. Its time for me to buckle down and realize that after Graduate School I will really know everything, Right?! Well I do know how to read, and to over analyze that much is for sure. In lieu of that, I am planning to read a lot of books this summer, firstly because I love to read and secondly because I just bought $400 worth of Art books for my graduate program that starts in the Fall. I have already read a few to start off what I hope will be a prolific summer of reading. Viktor Frankl's "Mans search for Meaning", William Segal's autobiography "A Voice at the Borders of Silence", and James Hillman's "The Soul's Code" are what I have read so far, but I plan to live long and prosper between the lines of many more. So please read along with me as I provide what I hope will be witty, eloquent, thoughtful and insightful reviews of these and the other books I choose to read.
So stick with it, it'll be fun and funny and maybe a little bit interesting.

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